viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

There's a whisker

on my chin.
I found it today in the bathroom while at work.
It is dark and thick.
and quite unsettling.
I am too young for this.
If I had a camera I would take a picture to show you.
But I don't.
So I am going to go pluck it out now.

3 comentarios:

tifsong dijo...

hey. i'm pretty sure every person gets a whisker now and then.
maybe i'm just saying that to make you feel better.
maybe i'm just saying that to let you know i get a whisker here and there too. not really location wise. its always on my chin.

but don't worry Joe knows about it. and he still loves me a lot. i'm sure you'll love a man someday who will appreciate you.
whiskers and all.

4-Slyce dijo...

tell me about it... I've started having those turn up on my chin too...

hanyon dijo...

only one? Well as I am your older sister you might want to expect many more very soon. Something to look forward to.